website revamp
revamping the website
i decided to revamp the website cause i wanted to start blogging more. this is a very initial push to my revamping journey. i’ll be deleting a lot of blog posts and creating new ones. i’ll also be editing the theme a lot as i barely like the one im using.
i had to configure this one be very similar formatting wise to the previous site. i did it cause i really liked the way the other one conveyed its message but the issue was that it was too simple and hard to navigate. so now i get to highlight my skills a bit more.
as far as certs go i’ve been killing it, i’ve recently gotten the osep and working on osed right now. after that my goal is oswe which will get me the trifecta. if ihave time id also like to take down the osmr. while im doing all of these id like to start writing organized structured blog posts on topics i am interested in. so this free for all thought dump won’t happen very often anymore. :()
anyways thats all i wanted to mention today!
best, gerbsec