
pjpt review and guide

PJPT Review and Guide

after a few years since i got the oscp in 2021 and a ton of other certs, i decided to start writing reviews and personal guides to how others can succeed.

what is the pjpt

the pjpt or practical junior penetration tester is a pentesting cert offered by TCM Security. this cert is VERY entry level and i was the first person to ever complete it. it advertises itself as a preamble to the PNPT and that anyone that thinks they may struggle in the pnpt should do the pjpt first.

the content

the content can be described as sub-par. this content is all exclusively video content, and you can buy it seperately without the exam attempt, or with the exam.

the content is organized in topics, however, they are videos with no timestamps like youtube videos so you kinda just have to watch the entire thing everytime you are looking for a specific tactic. moreover, a lot of the content is very very entry level. the content is the same as the pnpt minus the osint portion. they took the pnpt and dumbed it down a bit.

as an ad course, its horrible. it barely touches on any of the major topics that you see in corperations. nothing is ever beyond the complexity of a tool. what i mean by that is a tool is almost always out there that solves your solution, you don’t have to think your way through the course, you can just keep trying tools till you get it right. this doesn’t completely apply to the exam but you get the point.

the exam

2 day exam with another idk maybe 2 days to write the report, no debrief like pnpt. this exam is practically as they describe it, a slightly easier version than the pnpt. imo if you can pass this then you can easily pass the pnpt

who should get the pnpt

honestly i can only recommend this to the absolute beginners, that are too intimidated by hackthebox. otherwise, don’t take it.

how to prep

watch the videos

the exam is an after thought for the company, they worked on the videos first and did the exam based off the videos. if you can focus only the content in the videos then you can easily pass the exam.

do hackthebox

doesn’t hurt, it’s obviously the best platform


get the cert if you’re a beginner, don’t if you’re not.

best, gerbsec