
my new schedule

i started a new schedule

i have some things going on in my life that required me to step up my planning. so i took after my boss and decided to start handwriting. i pulled up a notebook and a pen and realized that i don’t know how to write anymore. i literally mis-spelled every word i wrote but it’s a process i guess…

with this new habit in mind, i started planning my days in forms of sets of checklists ordered by importance. i’ve felt sooo much more productive and i actually get to feel fulfilled at the end of the day. i’ve been able to divide my day up and still have a lot of free time, because im on task.

bye bye instagram

i had enough, i wasn’t really using it for anything productive so i just deleted my account and yeah, not much to talk about.

back to gym

been working out a ton, skipped last few days cause life, but lost a ton of weight and will lose more.

anyways thats it, i just felt like writing something today.

best, gerbsec