
doin some maldev

exploit dev stuff first

okay so i’m done with what i think will be the hardest module for me personally in the book. it’s a nice take on rev eng combining a mix of static and dynamic to find vulns. i think reading assembly is not my strong suite but its not horrible either. i think ill have more fun doing DEP bypasses with rop gadgets etc. excited to see where that takes me! :)

okay maldev

i decided to take a bit of time everyday to work on some maldev, and i mean like real maldev, like real malicious shit LMAO. the main reason is cause this will help me build better loaders for all the red team stuff i’ve been doing. this maldev stuff is pretty interesting so far we’re talking theory but sooner or later i’ll get into more writing of malware. i think also a lot of the earlier modules are easier than the future ones.

red team leab

okay so in reference to the previous paragraph, i’ll mention that i’ve been working on a red team lab. i got cs set up in a lab built with GOAD and will be installing a few agents. namely crowdstrike and elastic.

okay thats my update!

i’ll start talking in more detail about everything soon!

best, gerbsec